Traditional Rugs - Story Of Mossoul Rugs

Rugs are almost a necessity for any professional web or high street furnishings shop. Regardless of what you can afford to spend there will no doubt be a traditional rug for you at My Rug Store. A man-made fiber rug can be as inexpensive as thirty pounds or a hand-woven one will set you back by much much more. But on the whole we are prepared to spend a bit of money on our rugs, hopefully not having to re-finance our house, given that the quality is acceptable and they look right in our home.

Traditional rugs don't tend to be throw-away goods - they do not go in and out of fashion. Traditional rugs stay in homes for years. There are still, interestingly a handful designs that remain the all time best sellers. One of the most popular collections out there are Mossoul Rugs. Many many years ago Mossoul (Mosul) was a area renowned for its rug market. This district underwent the control of the Turks, Macedonians, Arabs, but has by no means altered its individuality with regards to carpet production goes. We all are familiar with the expression Muslin - it also is derived from the phrase Mossoul.

You may have encountered Hamadan or Mosul - they are basically alternative names for Mossoul traditional rugs. Mossoul rugs show perfection of design of Caucasian rugs. But Mossoul rugs do not incorporate striking and intense tones of Caucasian rugs. Their hues are understated and pleasing to the eye. While a typical Mossoul design is very subtle with vivid patterns, sometimes several designs will look like the Oriental delicate details.
Mossoul patterns are beautiful and amazingly contemporary. The straight lines of Mossoul patterns make them an ideal final touch for almost any property. But their bold patterns do not make them any less intricate. They are still an incredible accessory to any classical theme.

So where could you get a Mossoul rug? Hand woven rugs are usually an excellent alternative, but not many are able to afford that. What’s more, the quality of hand made pieces can be not too consistent. Not every hand crafted carpet is made utilizing smooth wool so taking a look at the actual rug is vital when choosing a hand woven piece. For those people who're fans of buying in comfort of our own home, machine made rugs are the best choice. Colour variations and modern weaving methods deliver results that can easily compete with their hand-made alternatives.